Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Sunday, 2 February 2014

What a costume!

People are very competitive and go through great lengths to win that office contest. 

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Devil,chess and sex changes.

Another cap I did involving the Devil and chess.

Originally, the antagonist was Death but then he appeared a bit too stupid in the cap, that's why I changed him.

Friday, 31 January 2014

Changing priorities

Who says a TGed man has to be submissive?A cap for Shauna over @ rachelshaven.

Through the looking glass

I wanted to post this over at rachelshaven for Shauna Marie,

but I hesitated, since the idea is not in the mainstream of TG captions.

I'll most likely do another one for her that is more in line with her tastes.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Monday, 20 January 2014

How to become a girl in 30 seconds

What if you could turn into a chick at will? Let's say you go to Walmart and pick up a magic pair of sun glasses that will allow you to view yourself as your fantasy chick.

You put them on and close your eyes.When you open them, you can see blonde hairs obstructing your vision, you raise your hands and see perfectly manicured hands. A passerby takes a tentative look at you,nods and and call you "Ma'am". You look down, you see a pair of magnificent (insert appropriate cup size here) breasts, encased in medieval clothing. Not only that but there dragons in the skies and knights in shining armor strolling around.


Think again:-p

With the Oculus rift, virtual reality is no longer a fantasy nor the realm of fly-by-night TG captions sites. :)

An introduction to what the Occulus rift is:

There's a lot of crazy setups that goes with it as well:

Now what's not to like about occulus rift?

Now imagine for example, 10 years from now, playing simply going on a virtual shopping trip as a female or simply playing Elder scrolls as your female avatar.

Imagine being in this world 

But better and more photorealistic

Now what's not to like about the Rift? 
 It's arguably a hardcore gamer's accessory and it does cost a fair penny (400$ by last count for the headset alone, there are extra peripherals like Virtuix Omni that could raise the price closer to a 1000$). This and the lack of software at the start could seriously hamper the OR's entry into the mainstream.

But there are of course applications outside of video games that might drag the Occulus Rift into the mainstream.  Imagine being in a Star Wars movie for example, looking at Jedis getting into firefights with stormtroopers.
For myself, TG is simply a fairly strange and unique fetish, so you could argue that just buying an Occulus (and a gaming computer) to indulge is overkill.But as a hardcore gamer, I could not be happier.


Walk softly and carry a big stick

When in doubt, always listen to Theodore Roosevelt. :-o

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

There are certain symbolic moments that change the nature of a relationship.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

America`s most wanted

Some criminals are beyond redemption.They should really have paid more attention when they were watching

America`s most Wanted


Saturday, 4 January 2014

The Parvenu

Another one for the road.

For those who don't know, a copywriter is someone who writes advertising. You can watch Mad Men for an example of what they do.:)

Friday, 3 January 2014

Important public service announcement

Welcome to my blog. 

Before you go any further, we have a public service announcement to make

(to be taken in a firmly tongue in cheek fashion of course :p)